Just Say Zombie
Here’s the cover for Just Say Zombie: Book Three in the Silvercrest Experiment. As of today, it is available on Amazon for pre-order, with plans to go live on Cinco de Mayo! (FYI: Tell your friends and neighbors, both of the other two books will be 99 cents on Amazon at the same time!)
As an Aykler Report subscriber, you can hit me up for a discount at Amazon OR sign up for AARG!, my advanced reader group and pick up a copy for free! See the note at the bottom of this post if you’re interested along with your preferred digital format and I will email you with the rest of the details.
Welcome to the Zombie Mill

If you haven’t checked it out, there’s no time like the present! And drop me line, jot a review, or hail me via one of the book-centric social media sites below my signature! I’m always eager to know what you think!
Viral Pre-Occupations
Why did this book take so long to come out? In my previous update, I had high hopes of it coming out in early April. Now, it’s releasing on May 5th. Well…I had written nearly half of it back in March. Then this whole virus thing hit.
This has been a lesson in just how debilitating major waves in human history can be even for relative onlookers. It gives me new appreciation for what people on the home front(s) of WWII went through, gathering scrap metal, sending young people off to fight, etc. And the folks in the Cold War who watched world leaders point real weapons of mass destruction at each other. Duck and cover and hope it never happens. But this time, there’s no negotiating with the virus. “Virus gonna virus.”
Meanwhile, I had to find some way to release my unreasonable inner push to gain control of things through the ravenous consumption of knowledge. What did it? Making something. First it was Japanese Onigiri. Then Musubi. And after those…it was back to this. Writing. The thing that is all of Albert Aykler if there is any Albert Aykler to be.
If you don’t have a thing you make, I think now is a pretty good time to start. Write a poem. Bake something. Whittle a face. Or try hacking together a raspberry pi.
Whatever you do, stay healthy and well! Drop me a line if you have thoughts about any of this, my books, or just need to say something to someone who asked to hear you say anything you want. Say anything you want!
Yours in undead infection affection, Al-not-bert Aykler
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